Sunday 21 June 2009

Blog camp words

I am sitting at home in my blog camp t-shirt, which typically arrived whilst I was away, so that I can preserve the blog camp feeling a little longer.  My brain is a jumble of images and a riot of thoughts and I am much too tired to sort it all out following the tequila several late night intellectual discussions.  All I have at the moments is words and phrases and some photos.

Copenhagen in the sun and rain
Sunset on the lake
Axes were present but not used.
Colour everywhere.
Tequila and tiaras.
Its been a real blast.  Keep checking the blog camp blog over the next few days for more....


  1. i totally enjoyed following you all! except for poor Kristina with her migraine, you all looked like you were having the time of your life. and i couldn't help but smile and giggle at all the fun stuff you posted. Yay for blog camp! Long may it live!

  2. That's the first tiara photo I've seen...any on heads?? I'm so torn -- jealous at having not been there yet so happy for you for going! You ladies are amazing!

  3. Everytime I see those axes I want to laugh!!

  4. you are all such fun bloggers i can imagine the laughter you must have had together!

  5. I LOVE the incredible punch of colour in these pictures . . .

    Makes me long for Copenhagen and Blog Camp both!

  6. Hey, I can see the tip of my head here!

    And your sunset photo is really beautiful. I wish my camera hadn't died at that point.

    Oh, and well done for implementing word crossed-out words :-)

  7. Bee, Kamana, Spud and Janet - its nice to meet you and thanks for commenting. Hopefully I will get to meet at least some of you at a future Blog Camp!
    Jules - it was GREAT fun!
    RxBambi - I really had difficulty with keeping mine on my head! And someone "lost" theirs!
    Polly - yay me on the crossing out thing!! :-)
